? On the morning of May 16,2018,Chairman Mr Zhou ChuanYou and MrGaoFeng,the general manager of the realestatecompany met with BenIKlaassen, ViceMinisterof environmental protection in Queensland, in the parliamentbuilding.
During the meeting, Ben recognized the development plan of CCIG in the dream islandtransformationand the south molleisland,and look forward to closer cooperation in the future.
Noon on the16th,Chairman and the team met with Ms KateJones,Minister of tourism ofQueensland,and talk aboutthe south molle island development. Ms Kate Jones is highly concerned about the preparation of the dream island and the development of the south molle island, and will fully support the future investment of CCIG inQueensland.
On May 17th morning, chairman led the team inspectedthe north of dream island and held a workingmeeting.
On the afternoon of the 17th, the chairman and the team examined the ecological and animal conditions of theisland,and had a close interaction with thekangaroos.